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About Me

From Corporate Controller to Online Business Owner

I worked my entire life in the Corporate world, I never really struggled to advance in this world and actually had a job I was very dedicated to and had been with the same Company for 11 years. During my tenure at this job, I did many, many things that I was extremely proud of and found a lot of satisfaction in what I did. However, over the years the norm of 8am to 5pm completely disappeared and I found myself working 60-70hr weeks and being available 24/7 to anyone that needed me. While it was great to feel so needed, I was missing out on so many moments with my growing daughter. I knew I needed to get out of this cycle and make a change. The thing that kicked me over the edge was one night when I was hanging out with my daughter and I received a phone call from work. I immediately stopped what I was doing with her and answered the call. When I was finished and went back to see what she was doing, she looked at me with the saddest look on her face and said "All you ever do is work Mommy". That about broke my heart and I knew at that moment I would do whatever necessary to make a change in my life and be present for her. Several days later while mindlessly scrolling through social media one night before bed; I came across an add from Jeff Lerner with Entre Institute and this ad resonated with me so much. He spoke to the exact feelings I had been having ever since that day with my Daughter. I immediately opted in and watched his short video which again resonated with my every emotion. Shortly thereafter, I signed up for the Entre Institute and the rest as they say it is history. Entre's holistic approach to building a better life and not just a business was exactly what I needed and I could not be happier that I have stuck with it and am now building my business.

Putting my journey out there for the world to see was daunting. But if my story could inspire just one person, every bit of vulnerability was worth it.

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